' I LOVE this experience in chitwan for though short period! '

Xue Ying Fiona Wang

Volunteers' Reviews - Costa Rica

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

Dear Volunteer,

We would be grateful if you kindly evaluate the rcdp volunteer program and help us to further improve the quality of our program.

Your name: Lissette Rodriguez
Your address: 1853 Fulton Street, Apt 2A, Brooklyn, NY 11233
Volunteer Date and country: August 10, 2014 through September 6, 2014. Costa Rica

Please grade the quality of the RCDP volunteer program:


 A + A B + B C
Pre-departure communication and services X      
Arrival, airport receive, transfer X        
Orientation, language and cultural program  X        

Food/Accommodation/Field support

Overall experience and satisfaction  X        
Do you recommend RCDP International volunteer program to your friends/families?
Yes yes No No

Can you provide your email address for future volunteers? If yes, please write your e-mail: yolissette26@gmail

We appreciate if you kindly summarize your volunteer experience with rcdp:

My experience with both host family and farm will be one I will never forget. My host mom Gina was amazing and I felt like I was a part of the family. I had my own room and always had privacy. She cooked delicious meals and made sure my clothes were washed. She loves to talk but it was never annoying! It was actually great because I was able to practice speaking Spanish with her. Her husband Licho was very respectful and sweet! Esteban (Gina's son) was also very kind. I never felt uncomfortable in their home. I feel very lucky that they were my host family, especially since it was my first time staying with one. Volunteering at El Toledo Coffee Farm was one of the many highlights of my month long trip. Don Gerardo has such a great spirit and amazing sense of humor. His wife Sole was super sweet and taught me a few things in the kitchen. Wish I had more time to have worked on the farm but I'm grateful for the experience. I plan to return to Costa Rica and visit all these wonderful people again. PURA VIDA!

Thank you!

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

Dear Volunteer,

We would be grateful if you kindly evaluate the rcdp volunteer program and help us to further improve the quality of our program.

Your name: Naomee Mann
Your address: 32 des Cascades, quebec
Volunteer Date and country: June 6th to June 20th 2014

Please grade the quality of the RCDP volunteer program:


 A + A B + B C
Pre-departure communication and services X      
Arrival, airport receive, transfer X        
Orientation, language and cultural program  X        

Food/Accommodation/Field support

Overall experience and satisfaction  X       
Do you recommend RCDP International volunteer program to your friends/families?
Yes yes No No

Can you provide your email address for future volunteers? If yes, please write your e-mail: naomee.mann@hotmail.com

We appreciate if you kindly summarize your volunteer experience with rcdp:

It was a very good experience overall! My questions were clearly answered before and during the trip even though I found we were a bit left by ourselves at our arriving in our project place. Host families are great and we are well received!

Thank you!

Volunteer review

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

My experience has been great! I have met so many wonderful people. And everyone was been so very kind!

The project I am currently in is great project! I am learning so much about organic farming! It has truly open my eyes to a new way of living! That I would of never been exposed to other wise! I can't wait to teach English to the kids next week!

Tina has been very helpful with everything! She seems to know anything i could want to know about in Atenas!

Amelie Leroux

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

Dear Volunteer,

Please kindly evaluate the volunteer program of RCDP Volunteers and assist us to further improve our services and program.

Your name: Lena Gustke
Your address: Nettelbeckufer 14, 99089 Erfurt, Germany
Volunteer country: Costa Rica, turtle conservation, August/September 2011

How do you assess the services of RCDP ?

The service of RCDP was great. I got all the information I needed in advance and felt well prepared.

Maximo Nivel in Costa Rica did a good job as well. They gave a detailed introduction to the program and the country to each volunteer and helped with every question. Furthermore they took care of the volunteers' needs and organized cultural and social events as well as they supported the volunteers with their programs (e.g. bus timetable, pick up from the airport, bus pick up, buying of bus tickets etc.).

Please evaluate the support, meal and accommodation we received during the program

There's nothing to complain about. In San Jose accommodations and meals were fine and also at the project site I felt like home. Staff was fun – friendly and supportive and Maximo Nivel called once or twice a week to check on the volunteers which I really liked. Meals were great and accommodations were simple but clean. I had everything I needed and was surprised that they had internet and tv there, I didn't expect that after the area was described as rural…

Please review/evaluate your overall experience of volunteering with RCDP

Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others! Even after the volunteering Maximo Nivel and RCDP keep in touch with their volunteers and ask for feedback which shows once again that they care and only want to improve their programs!

Do you recommend RCDP International volunteer program to your friends/families?
Yes yes No no

Can we forward your email address to our future volunteers? If yes, please write your e-mail: lena.gustke@uni-erfurt.de

Thank you and wish you all the best for your future endeavors!

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

Dear Volunteer,

Please kindly evaluate the volunteer program of RCDP Volunteers and assist us to further improve our services and program.

Your name: Erika Reinarz
Your address: 1304 17th St. S
Volunteer country: July 9th-August 5th, 2011 in Costa Rica

How do you assess the services of RCDP ?

RCDP was a great organization and I am so pleased with the whole experience I had in Costa Rica. From the time I applied to the time I left I was always in contact with Preetanjali who was so extremely helpful.

Please evaluate the support, meal and accommodation we received during the program

All of it was good, I really enjoyed my time in Costa Rica even though there were a couple of issues with my home stay in Ostional. The kinks were all worked out very quickly and I was accommodated elsewhere.

Please review/evaluate your overall experience of volunteering with RCDP

Overall my experience with RCDP was unforgettable. The only real issue I had is that you never informed your volunteers that you work through Maximo Nivel which I think is something you should start doing. When I arrived in Costa Rica I became really confused by the fact that I was receiving a booklet with Maximo's name on it. I think Maximo is a great organization but between the two of you, you need to work something out to better explain how your two companies collaborate together. I would definitely consider doing another volunteer project through RCDP and I have nothing bad to say about your organization. Your staff was very friendly and helpful and you rates were the best! Thank you so much for the experience of a lifetime.

Do you recommend RCDP International volunteer program to your friends/families?
Yes yes No no

Can we forward your email address to our future volunteers? If yes, please write your e-mail: Erika_reinarz@hotmail.com

Thank you and wish you all the best for your future endeavors!

I've been volunteering in Costa Rica with child care for the past 3 weeks.. only one more week to go, the time has gone so fast. So far I've had a great experience. The staff is very friendly and helpful and I've not only been volunteering but have had plenty of time to travel during the weekends as well. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask !

Kelsey Goding
Costa Rica

I volunteered at Playa Ostional in Costa Rica with the sea turtle conservation project. It was an experience of a lifetime. You meet truly great people and get to do some amazing things. The location is beautiful! I would definitely recommend this trip for anyone interested in conservation! Highlights include doing mea...surements and collecting eggs of the leatherback sea turtles, which are about 6 ft long! If I could change one thing about the trip it would have been to stay at the project longer!

Kinzy Frizzle
Turtle Conservation Costa Rica

I volunteered in Costa Rica with the turtle conservation project. It was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to volunteer and work with turtles! We patrolled the beach for nesting Leatherbacks and I got to catch the eggs in a bag and bury them in the hatchery. We also measured the turtles... and checked for injuries. It was truly amazing being so up close and personal with a huge 7-foot Leatherback turtle. I would go back any day!

Andrea Mackintosh
Turtle Conservation Costa Rica

Volunteer Program Evaluation Form

Dear Volunteer,

Please kindly evaluate the volunteer program of RCDP Volunteers and assist us to further improve our services and program.

Your name: Andrea Mackintosh
Your address: 245 Hardie road, Kelowna, BC
Volunteer country: Costa Rica

Please grade the quality of the RCDP volunteer program:


 A + A B + B C
Pre-departure communication and services   X      
Arrival, airport receive, transfer X       
Orientation, language and cultural program    X      

Food/Accommodation/Field support

Overall experience and satisfaction    X    

We appreciate if you kindly summarize your volunteer experience with RCDP international:

We were the first volunteers to Costa Rica through RCDP and worked in orphanage for teenage boys. We had a wonderful experience that was so rich and truly unforgettable. The family we stayed with was perfect and very accommodating. Tina was an amazing resource once we got there, and even before we left. Your prices were the best we found as well. Overall a great experience and we have already recommended you to friends. Thanks for a great experience!

Thank you !

Costa Rica Projects