Volunteering Abroad for Older People

A look at the wide range of exciting opportunities open to old-aged adults who are interested in volunteering abroad

  • Volunteering abroad isn’t only for young people.
  • Make the most of your life skills and experiences on a truly worthwhile volunteer abroad project.
  • Unparalleled high reviews and ratings, Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
  • 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 1998. Contact us for more information.
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Are you thinking of volunteering abroad but worry you are too old? Do you have a lot to offer but not sure where your many skills would be most useful? Do you need help finding the best and the most affordable volunteering abroad programs for older people? Well, you’re in the right place!

RCDP offers you an amazing opportunity to experience a range of safe, well-managed and inexpensive volunteering opportunities for older people. These life-changing volunteer projects are indeed an awesome experience for those who wish to combine spending their holiday helping with a meaningful project while also exploring and really getting to know a new country; the people who call it home, and their way of local life.

RCDP has a number of volunteering abroad for retirees in 8 countries, including Ecuador, Argentina, Tazania, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Mexico. You get to choose an international volunteer program from areas including child care, street children care, orphanage work, and teaching English, and with our flexible system you can stay for anything from a week to several months. The choice is yours, and we are here to help with advice and information if you need it while making a final decision.

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The volunteer experience was very eye-opening and I felt very much needed at the site. I would greatly recommend it.

Frances Yuan


The strong ties we built and the rewarding experiences that we made here were really very priceless.

Amelie Lim

- Australia

A lifetime experience, which has opened my eyes to so much, and impassioned me to pursue future volunteer trips.



Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others!

Lena Gustke

- Germany

Please read more RCDP reviews , also in abroad reviews (RCDP-Nepal), Abroad reviews (RCDP -international)

Benefits of Volunteering abroad for older people

The benefits of joining volunteering abroad for over 50’s are truly infinite. Even just getting involved in an affordable and meaningful volunteer project is in itself the experience of a lifetime. You will not only explore a new country, and its inhabitants, but also facilitate positive change in various aspects of their life as well as in yourself. Here are a few of the major benefits.

Strengthen your mental peace and happiness: Taking charge and taking advantage of senior volunteer opportunities abroad provides you with a great sense of achievement. Helping disadvantaged people definitely helps strengthen your mental health and happiness.

Satisfaction of altruism: Volunteering overseas as senior gives you the cozy satisfaction of altruism. You get to learn a new language, ideas and skills while having fun and helping people in need.

Helps you connect with others: Being a  senior volunteer abroad allows you to connect with the community, make new friends, expand your network and boost your socialization skills, in an environment where the smallest of tasks you perform can create a world of difference.

Make a change in disadvantaged peoples’ life: Your knowledge and experience can be extremely significant for people in need. As a senior volunteer abroad, you can share your knowledge and experience, and help underprivileged people feel better and live their lives in peace and harmony.

Explore a new country: Volunteering abroad is a wonderful way of exploring a new country while also making an important difference in various aspects of the lives of those you work with.  You get acquainted with new cultures, traditions and also get to experience unique wildlife, amazing places, and so much more.

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Top Affordable Volunteering abroad for older people Programs

RCDP offers you this amazing opportunity to experience its awesome selection of life-changing volunteer opportunities abroad, with projects to suit all different interests, goals and destination dreams.

Street Children/Children at Risk Project in Ecuador

A large number of abandoned, disadvantaged and vulnerable children can be found on the streets of Qinto in Ecuador. Unfortunately, the government of Ecuador has been unable to help these at-risk kids, so RCDP works with various local organizations and groups to provide a solution. The ultimate goal is to enable these street children to move on to a more secure, safer, meaningful and healthier path in life.

Our ‘Children at Risk Project in Ecuador’ for senior volunteer is indeed an awesome opportunity for older people who wish to help change Ecuador’s street children’s lives. When you join this project you will be helping underprivileged street children move towards a more successful and generally brighter future by sharing your skills, experience, talents and knowledge.

Your kindness and courteous behavior will help them learn good manners. You will also be tutoring them about health care, or helping them with their daily life problems. Your  assistance on this project will really help these children, and provide them with the structure and guidance they need to get back on their own feet.

Disadvantaged Children Project in Argentina

Thousands of children in Argentina lack basic needs while growing up due to extreme poverty.  RCDP provides this volunteering opportunity for seniors to contribute in its disadvantaged children project in Argentina, so that these underprivileged children can overcome their day-to-day problems and struggles, and head towards a brighter future. Collaborating with local schools, INGOs, and other organizations, you will take a mentorship role, helping these disadvantaged children with your kindness, support and care.

This is a special opportunity to support children at-risk with a number of tasks, including preparing meals and assisting children with their homework. You will also be helping local staff for implementing creative development-enhancing activities like dancing, art, sports and so on. Your assistance and care help Argentines at-risk children triumph over basic life problems, and also provides you with an experience of a life time.

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Orphanage Work in Cambodia

If you are thinking of providing genuine help to the orphaned children and making a difference in their life, then RCDP offers you an amazing chance to experience volunteering opportunities for retirees to work in ‘Orphanage project  in Cambodia’. 

Due to several issues such as war and a collapsed economy thousands of Cambodian children are abandoned every year; they are known as deserted orphans. Unfortunately the orphanages in Cambodia lack sufficient resources to help endless numbers of children.This orphanage work in Cambodia project gives you an opportunity to help these orphan children in a meaningful way, and to experience Cambodian life and cuture in the way a tourist would never do.

You can help these orphanages and orphans in a number of ways when you join this project.  You will be working in collaboration with a number of NGOs and INGOs, where your help and care will inspire these underprivileged children to work towards a better life. As a volunteer in an orphanage in Cambodia, you will spend time with children-at-risk, teach them and render them love and affection, so that they can grow into a successful citizen one day.

Teaching English in India

The skill to communicate fluently in English can help disadvantaged Indian students thrive in various national and international job opportunities. Unfortunately, most young Indian students can’t afford private tutoring due to their poor economic background, so their chances of grasping the English language and thriving in their chosen career is low.  You can help change this situation by sharing your language skills with underprivileged children.  RCDP has specially designed this teaching English in India project, and welcomes retirees for volunteering. 

When you join this project you will work in rustic community schools, and teach disadvantaged children ‘conversational’ and ‘academic’ English skills. This will be a very practical teaching and learning experience that has the power to make a difference in those deprived children. You will also get to experience new and fascinating traditions, and the authentic way of life of locals while volunteering.

Prior experience in teaching English is desired but not essential, but you do  need to have sound English communication skills. Volunteers should also be flexible, self-motivated and have a strong willingness to both learn and take on new initiatives.

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Orphanage Work in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in Africa. Poverty is a common theme here, and because of it thousands of children are deprived of even basic needs. Unfortunately, the Tanzanian government lacks sufficient resources and cannot provide needed help and resources to the orphaned children. Most of these orphan kids eventually end up as a street child, become involved with the criminal world, or get exploited while searching for a job to help them survive. As a volunteer worker in Tanzania you will work with these disadvantaged children, making sure they get the genuine affection, love and care they deserve.

RCDP offers a truly worthwhile volunteering opportunity for older people to participate in its orphanage work in Tanzania project, helping disadvantaged orphan children overcome poverty, abuse and other negative situations while having fun and exploring a new country. Your love, affection and caring skills will help these deprived children turn into confident and better citizens.  The time you spend on this project will give an experience that will enrich you with a lifelong memory.

You must have a huge desire to serve orphaned children, and you must also be open-minded, resourceful and patient; be willing to give them love and care, and help make their future bright. No other qualifications are required to join this project.

Teaching English in Kenya

Teaching English in Kenya has become essential as it is one of the two national languages of Kenya, and therefore used in communications, trade and commerce. A good command of the English language helps Kenyan students thrive in their chosen career.

As most Kenyan students are not native English speakers they need to learn the language in school, but because of their poor financial situations and lack of resources many schools can’t offer this opportunity.

RCDP invites over 50 people to join a volunteering teaching English in Kenya project, where you can make a huge difference in the lives of deprived Kenyan students. You will work as an English teacher; following an official curriculum delivered through your choice of teaching methods. Prior experience in teaching English is desired but not required. You'll need to have sound communication skills in English, be flexible, self-motivated, and have a strong willingness to learn and work independently as needed.

In your free time there’s lots of opportunity to explore this amazing country, and enjoy all it has to offer.

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Work in Orphanage In Sri Lanka

Years of civil war have made Sri Lanka one of the poorest countries in South Asia. Though the country is gradually growing its economy it cannot yet provide sufficient support and care to all the orphaned children who need help. Most of these helpless orphan kids are housed by local non-profit organizations, but still some of them live their everyday life on the streets of big cities. Apart from housing these disadvantaged children the orphanages also provide them with food, clothes and an education. RCDP works together with these organizations in Sri Lanka to offer hope to all children who need it.

If you are worried about your age being a barrier to helping others it’s time to stop; there are so many volunteering for older people opportunities, like working in an Orphanage in Sri Lanka. When you choose to join this project, you will be helping the orphaned kids of this beautiful country have a safe, affectionate and nurturing atmosphere to live in. To join this project you must feel passionate about helping children by providing them with love and care. You should also be open-minded, flexible and willing to learn new things.

Apart from working in an orphanage you will be able to explore the magnetic beauty of Sri Lanka during your free time. Plus, as English is widely spoken and understood by most Sri Lankans communication is not generally a problem.

During the pre-program language and cultural training program you will learn more about the culture of the area you will be placed in, and given relevant placement details.

Special Children Project in Mexico

Special Children Project in Mexico provides underprivileged children with much needed  support and care. This project is especially designed to address the issues that these deprived children have been facing for a long period of time, which include  autism, learning disabilities, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, deafness and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Due to economic and family issues, most of these children’s family cannot provide adequate care and support. Thus, RCDP invites senior people to join volunteer opportunities to contribute in its special children project in Mexico.

When you join this project, you will be working with families, children, staff and other agencies. When you are not volunteering, you get to visit several interesting places and experience uniqueness of the locals.

Though your prior experience is not necessary, if you have worked with disabled children your skills will be very valuable. Spanish language is not required, however being able to speak and understand Spanish language is an asset. All volunteers should consider themselves to be patient and flexible people.

Aside from volunteering abroad for older people, RCDP also offers a great selection of wildlife conservation volunteer, winter break to volunteer and so much more. Contact RCDP for more information.

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