Volunteer with Animals Abroad

Check out these volunteer opportunities to save endangered animal speciesin countries around the world.

  • A fantastic opportunity to help save endangered animal species.
  • Travel with a real purpose – your time and effort will make a lasting difference.
  • Unparalleled high reviews and ratings, Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
  • 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 1998. Contact us for more information.
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Volunteer Abroad With Animals

Do you dream about an adventure overseas where you can also help wild animals who are in need of proper care and attention? Is it concerning to you that voluntary work with animals abroad is going to be out of your current budget?

RCDP has the most inexpensive voluntary work with animals abroad programs in stunning destinations for compassionate, kind-hearted, and adventurous individuals just like you. Currently, RCDP has voluntary work abroad with animals that range from looking after abandoned and sick elephants in Sri Lanka to taking care of the endangered species of sea turtles in Mexico.

RCDP operates its volunteer projects in 19 different countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and Central America. All you have to do is decide how you want to volunteer your time and what foreign destination you want to explore. RCDP can help make your dream a reality.

Join hands with RCDP to protect the natural habitats of many endangered wild animals.

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The volunteer experience was very eye-opening and I felt very much needed at the site. I would greatly recommend it.

Frances Yuan


The strong ties we built and the rewarding experiences that we made here were really very priceless.

Amelie Lim

- Australia

A lifetime experience, which has opened my eyes to so much, and impassioned me to pursue future volunteer trips.



Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others!

Lena Gustke

- Germany

Please read more RCDP reviews , also in abroad reviews (RCDP-Nepal), Abroad reviews (RCDP -international)

Benefits of Volunteer Abroad With Animals Opportunities

Sadly, due to circumstances related to various illegal activities, corruption, lack of awareness, and lack of government aid and resources, among many other influences, an innumerable amount species of animals are suffering. The rewards you will reap from volunteering in one of RCDP’s voluntary work abroad with animals projects will stay in your heart forever.

Help animals who are struggling for their survival

There are few better feelings that match the satisfaction of helping animals who are in desperate need of your help for their survival and to live healthy and happy lives. By taking part in RCDP’s voluntary work abroad with animals, you will directly assist in protecting animals threatened by habitat destruction.

Work together with other volunteers

When you join RCDP’s voluntary work with animals abroad, you can collaborate with other foreign volunteers and work on rehabilitation, research and habitat development of those endangered animals.

You can contribute to long term environmental and wildlife conservation

When you participate in volunteer work with animals abroad, you not only contribute to long term environmental and wildlife conservation goals, but also learn valuable life lessons which can perhaps change the course of your life.

You will experience new cultures and communities

Depending on what type of volunteer program you choose, you will get the chance to experience new cultures while staying and working together with local communities who also want to protect the fantastic diversity of wildlife on earth.

You will gain valuable practical experience of saving endangered animals

Volunteering overseas with wildlife is an amazing way to gain valuable, practical experience of the challenges faced by a range of critically endangered species, like sea turtles and elephants.

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RCDP’s Low Cost Volunteer Abroad with Animals Opportunities

RCDP has dozens of amazing and inexpensive yet very well-organized voluntary work with animals abroad programs to choose from all over the world.

Elephant Project in Jaipur India

Are you looking forward to joining volunteering projects that will target the needs of certain animals?

The goal of this fulfilling and meaningful volunteer work with animals in Jaipur India is to provide the specialized care and aid to critically endangered elephants who are abandoned, sick or left mercilessly to die due to their inability to continue working for their owners. You will have the chance to get involved with elephants on a day to day basis while staying a beautiful northern city of India.

There are 52 elephants and 25 Mahout Families residing in Jaipur. Nearly all of the elephants are well looked after by Mahout Families. However, they sometimes need extra help to properly look after elephants who may get sick or injured.

As Mahouts are paid by the elephant owners to ride the elephants and take care of them, Mahouts tend to take good care of each individual elephant. Once you join this project, you will need to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and follow the daily schedules of Mahouts.

Elephant Conservation Project in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an amazing country to go for volunteering with animals abroad, as it is a place where dedicated people like you are greatly needed. Sri Lanka is also a place where hundreds of mistreated elephants live in sickening conditions due to the inhumane actions of their owners, who mostly use their elephants to carry heavy loads and tourists for their entire adult lifetime.

And when those elephants get old and sick, the owners simply abandon them without trying to look after them, as the elephants won’t be able to work anymore.

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When you actively join RCDP’s volunteer work with animals in Sri Lanka, you will work as assistant for elephant handlers and provide daily care and aid to elephants who may be sick and old. Your primary duty will be to look after the maintenance of elephants residing in the conservation center.

There are currently eight elephants in the center. While volunteering in Sri Lanka, you will also get the chance to do Eco farming work and grow vegetables and fruits with the local community members.

Skills required:

You do not require any specific qualifications or experience to join RCDP’s volunteer work with animals in Sri Lanka, but you must be fit and in good health. You should also have love and compassion for animals, especially for the elephants. You must also arrive with an open mind and with a passion to learn new things in a strange environment.

Elephant Conservation Project (Surin)

Surin is a popular travel destination in Thailand and a city well known for its elephants. Locals commonly can be seen using elephants to carry their loads and some even make their elephants carry tourists for some cash.

However, as the elephants begin to age and become sick, the owners start mistreating them by not providing proper medical aid and dietary supplements to keep the elephants healthy and alive. Plus, most of the owners simply sell their old and sick elephants.

When you choose to participate in volunteer work with animals abroad in Surin, you will be helping to ensure that the sick and abandoned elephants of this beautiful city are looked after and properly nurtured in a safe and supportive environment.

When you are not taking care of these lovely elephants, you will be able to set off and explore the natural and cultural wonders of this intriguing city in Thailand. Furthermore, you will need to work with local elephant owners to feed and keep the old elephants healthy and prevent them from being mistreated in any way possible.

Skills required:

No specific skills or qualifications are required to participate in RCDP’s volunteer work with animals abroad in Surin. You should, however, have a passion to work for the elephants. Volunteers must also respect the Thai customs and local people at all times.

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Marine Project In Costa Rica

Popular for its iconic sandy white beaches and shimmering coastlines, Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world for voluntary work abroad with animals. While the picture-perfect beach resorts of Puntarenas, Costa Rica, are alluring to foreign vacationers, the bio-diversity and rich marine life of this country is in peril due to destruction of its forests and beaches for the purpose of construction work and tourism.

As a result, many marine animals, like the sea turtle, are critically endangered and in need of effective conservation efforts.

When you join this volunteer work with animals in Costa Rica, you will have the opportunity to save and protect the marine life of this country by becoming fully and actively involved in their local marine conservation project.

As a volunteer in Costa Rica, you will work with local conservation staff to look after the marine life and help them to raise public awareness about the critical status of endangered species like sharks, turtles, crocodiles, pelicans, and other marine animals. You will provide help in breeding, incubation, nursery, and maintenance of animals.

Skills required:

There are no qualifications or skills required to join RCDP’s volunteer work with animals in Costa Rica. Volunteers should be fit and ready to work outdoors and under hot and humid conditions. If you don't understand Spanish, you can still participate; but volunteers with the ability to speak this language can interact more with locals.

Turtle Conservation Project In Mexico

Do you want to gain valuable volunteer experience or work with animals in a foreign country where you have never been before?

Participating in the volunteer work with animals in Mexico is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help protect and save sea turtles from extinction. These species have become endangered due to various man-made events like the destruction of their natural habitat for developmental and commercial purposes.

This is your chance to help desolated species of sea turtles whose population has been in peril since the last few decades. While volunteering in Mexico, you will help sea turtles that currently reside in the beaches of the Colima region by working together with local volunteers and professionals.

As a volunteer, you will make an effort to protect the future of the sea turtle’s natural habitat and environment. In addition to that, you will also be involved in environmental education programs and other wildlife monitoring activities in the area of your project.

Skills required:

You do not need to be a student of marine biology or a biologist to join RCDP’s volunteer work with animals in Mexico. Anyone who wants to have an experience in turtle conservation and enjoy the landscape is welcomed to volunteer. 

Spanish is not a requirement to volunteer, but if you can speak and understand the language, you will be able to communicate better with the local staff and the children.

Besides these volunteer abroad with animals projects, RCDP has a number of other opportunities such as volunteer work in social work, volunteer abroad for college students, volunteer abroad with animals, volunteer abroad with children, volunteer at orphanages abroad and even volunteer building projects abroad.

Contact RCDP today to learn more about these fulfilling volunteer opportunities and projects.

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